About Impact Tourism

Design IT products


IT Indicators

Design IT products

Products are divided according to the product typology (experience, accommodation, transport, food / beverages, event, tour package, etc.) and can be found as such through the search engine. They can also be searched according to the location where the products are available.

Each product includes a summary and the story thereof, relevant information regarding its implementation and a description of its impacts. Since we seek to identify and describe the indicators and effects of each individual impact tourism product, the indicators have been marked (illuminated) accordingly depending on their type. The main intention thereof is to inform tourists about the individual indicators associated with tourism products. Our purpose, however, is not to certify the products or to differentiate between "more" and "less" useful tourism products. 

Impact products are designed and developed on the basis of 10 + 1 economic, social and environmental indicators which are controlled and verified by the impact team. Potential tourists on our portal are thus given the opportunity to see various products with lighted or illuminated indicators that meet impact tourism conditions. Products with multiple illuminated indicators are products with many positive effects on the local environment.