01. QUALITY - ITPS are high-quality tourism products.
Legal compliance (registered activity, permits, contracts, etc.) and guaranteed comprehensive implementation of the ITP by the provider or ITP partnership.
The ITP is offered on a sustainable (regular) basis except in the case of diverging substantial reasons (non-seasonal offer with a purpose, uniqueness, etc.).
The ITP is implemented by qualified and high-quality contractors, risk minimisation measures (such as measures to prevent injuries, presence of mediation as a dispute-settlement mechanism, reduced congestion during the ITP implementation process, etc.) are in place.
The ITP is presented in a comprehensible manner/accessible to all ITos (information provided in foreign languages, etc.), which facilitates high-quality involvement into the ITP.
02. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY - The ITP includes measures that reduce negative impacts of tourism on society, the environment and nature as a whole.
The ITP includes measures and motivates the tourist (which includes an Impact Pledge option) towards sustainable and responsible conduct (energy saving and efficiency, low carbon footprint, zero waste, recycling, re-use).
The ITP includes measures that serve to conserve cultural, natural and social heritage.
Society-, environment- and nature-friendly products and services (plastic-free, etc.).
The ITP informs on and promotes the use and uses local and public transport, bicycles, other forms of green mobility, etc.
03. LOCAL IMPACT - The ITP is fully integrated into the local environment and facilitates a genuine contact with the local environment and population.
The ITP includes measures and motivates the tourist (which includes an Impact Pledge option) towards sustainable and responsible conduct (energy saving and efficiency, low carbon footprint, zero waste, recycling, re-use).
The ITP includes measures that serve to conserve cultural, natural and social heritage.
Society-, environment- and nature-friendly products and services (plastic-free, etc.).
2The ITP informs on and promotes the use and uses local and public transport, bicycles, other forms of green mobility, etc.
04. SOCIAL CHALLENGE - The ITP is associated with and positively contributes to addressing a social challenge.
The ITP has been developed in response or as a direct contribution to addressing a local or global social challenge.
The ITP has been enhanced to include social impactisation measures.
ITP activities are intended for or contribute to addressing a social challenge.
The ITP provider clearly communicates the story on the social challenge and the connection therewith with the ITP.
05. UNIQUE EXPERIENCE - Subject to a unique recipe, the ITP is a social challenge-associated unique story which contributes to a personalised experience of the ITo and addressing of a social challenge.
The ITP is innovative with a reason (reasonable innovation).
ITP facilitates an authentic and highly personalised experience of the ITo.
By creating a diligently combined set of exceptional locations and activities (if appropriate, also including social experiments), the ITP facilitates a unique experience of the ITo.
ITP facilitates an informative experience that has a direct impact on the empathy of the ITo towards identifying and addressing social challenges (Social Investment in the tourist).
06. IMPACT TOURIST - The ITP facilitates an active and efficient socially beneficial footprint of the tourist and promotes a sustainable link with the social challenge.
The ITo co-creates the ITP, their active involvement directly contributes to addressing the challenge. Their social know-how footprint (Impact Sourcing) and/or active involvement in work or activities (campaigns, volunteer work) is/are preferred.
The ITo is empowered to identify and address local challenges (Impact Catching) and to contribute to public recognition of social challenges via their social networks (Impact Network).
The ITo is given the opportunity to provide various types of financial assistance (donations, crowdfunding, Impact Investment) or provide assistance in other types of support (HR recruitment) that help address the social challenge.
The ITP has been designed in a way that it empowers the ITo to establish a sustainable association with the local environment or social challenge (social network, membership, another visit, etc.).
07. INCLUSION AND ACCESSIBILITY - ITP pays special attention to and facilitates the inclusion and accessibility of vulnerable groups or individuals.
The development and implementation of the ITP includes vulnerable groups or individuals (*definition provided in the appendix).
The ITP is specifically intended for and tailored to vulnerable groups/individuals and contributes to addressing challenges associated therewith.
The activities of the ITP facilitate accessible inclusion of vulnerable groups/individuals (facilities, transportation, performance of activities, etc.).
The ITP includes incentives and measures that promote the participation of vulnerable groups/individuals in the ITP (such as discounts, favourable conditions).
08. SOCIAL AND FAIR ECONOMY - The provider and ITP are organised and implemented in a way that contributes to the objectives of social economy and fair trade.
The ITP is not intended solely to generate financial profits, but its prices and consumption of excess funds reflect a fair balance between social, environmental and financial objectives.
The ITP is designed and offered on the market under the provisions of fair trade (such as the 10 principles of WFTO).
The ITP spends one part of the profit for generally beneficial purposes (individually or as part of the WITH platform).
The ITP provider or partnership involves innovative social economy instruments (such as Impact Coffee, charity draw, Impact Events).
09. IMPACT MEASUREMENT - By empowering stakeholders, the provider efficiently evaluates social impacts and communicates them to the public.
The provider has developed indicators and methods that measure the impacts of the ITP.
The provider involves the ITP partnership, ITo, local population and other involved stakeholders in the evaluation process.
The provider clearly communicates the social impact of the ITP in their communications.
The provider provides the required data for presenting data as part of www.impact-tourism.net or WITH.
10. VERIFICATION - The ITP provider or ITP is included in various schemes that verify relevant indicators for achieving social impacts.
The ITP provider has adopted its own sets of rules (declarations, codes, etc.) that contribute to sustainable conduct, nature conservation, achieving social impacts, quality, fair trade, etc.
The ITP provider or the ITP is included in various local or global certification schemes associated with sustainable conduct, environmental protection, nature conservation, “green” schemes, etc.
The ITP provider or ITP is included in various local or global certification schemes that assess social impacts (ISO social responsibility, Social Value, etc.).
The ITP provider or ITP is included in various local and global quality assurance, local brand, fair trade schemes, has been granted a patent, etc.
11. BEYOND THE HORIZON - The provider implements the ITP in other innovative and efficient manners that significantly contribute to the social impacts of the ITP.
The provider or the ITP contributes to the social impact or addressing of a social challenge in other efficient ways and empowers the ITo to contribute thereto in their own way (MyWayImpact).